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Home & Office

Breathe easier with expert indoor air quality service!

Indoor Air Quality

Ensuring healthy air quality in your home or commercial space often requires proactive measures. Potential sources of contaminants are nearly everywhere. While eliminating the family pet, carpets, presswood furniture, bedding, cleaning products, and even electronics isn’t a viable option, you can reduce their impact on the air you breathe. So how do you determine the specific problem and what exactly to do about it? Contact the specialists from Green Air Care for an in-depth analysis of your home or office.

Get Started

Utilizing state-of-the-art equipment, advanced strategies, and extensive industry background, we address your unique requirements, offer cost-effective recommendations, and implement proven products. Established in 2011, we are familiar with the air quality challenges faced by home and business owners in Chicagoland, and provide straightforward solutions to protect your health and comfort.

Breathe easier with expert indoor air quality service!

Due to extreme local weather, a tightly sealed home is a priority. Opening a window for some fresh air is rarely an option. Unfortunately, in an effort to conserve energy, the same stale air is trapped, circulated, and recirculated for months at a time. The EPA has concluded that indoor air pollution is responsible for numerous health issues. As more and more people are becoming aware of the importance of indoor air quality, manufacturers are answering with a wide range of products, which offer varying results. Know that the certified specialists from Green Air Care rely on products with an established track record. We concentrate on solutions that not only maintain a clean and healthy indoor environment, but also promote superior performance from your HVAC systems, optimizing efficiency, reducing maintenance needs, and maximizing service life.

Our indoor air quality products and service improve your home comfort and health!

Green Air Care offers a full line of Indoor Air Quality solutions, including air purifiers, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, germicidal UV lights, and ventilation systems for residential or commercial application across Chicagoland. These units incorporate into your existing system, work quietly, require very low maintenance, and offer whole-house improvement. Our expert technicians recommend products that accurately address your needs and safeguard against airborne pollutants and unstable humidity levels. We are always happy to discuss options, explain advantages, and work with you to identify and correct areas of concern. For questions, further information, or to schedule an appointment, contact Green Air Care at 888-422-6899. All projects are handled promptly, with the professional, reliable, and high-quality service our customers have come to trust.

Calender Trust The process! If you’re experiencing issues with your home Green Air Care makes it easy to schedule online!
Trust The process! If you’re experiencing issues with your home Green Air Care makes it easy to schedule online!
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with Green Air Care
Discover the Difference
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Go Next Level with EASE Comfort®

We understand that installing a new heating or air conditioning system can be a significant investment. We help take the stress out of your installation project by offering the EASE Comfort® Program. Through this exclusive program, you’ll enjoy a new, high-efficiency system installation with no money down, no unexpected fees, and a no-hassle maintenance program tailored to your needs